
1. A new top-tier item has been added to the Dragon Claw weapon item.

– The additional name of the Dragon Claw weapon item has been changed as follows:

Existing add-on nameChange Addendum
flinders(No additional name)
generalStep 1
SeniorStep 2
superlativeStep 3
Step 4 (New Addition)

– The following new Dragon Claw items will be added:

itemAdditional namesDamageMagic powerWearable Skills
[Antaras Shafer]Step 433921689DegnityAntaras LassiAntaras BressAntaras Scream
[Antaras Slasher]Step 447171689
[Antaras Thrower]Step 476331689
[Antaras Buster]Step 431012253
[Antaras Cutter]Step 438761689
[Antaras Stormer]Step 438761689
[Antaras Fighter]Step 447171689
[Antaras The Avenger]Step 438761689
[Antaras Duelblunt]Step 447171689
[Antaras Dualsword]Step 447171689
[Balakas Shafer]Step 433921689DegnityValakas BiteValakas BressBalakas Scream
[Balakas Cutter]Step 438761689
[Balakas Slasher]Step 447171689
[Balakas Thrower]Step 476331689
[Balakas Buster]Step 431012253
[Balakas Castor]Step 431012253
[Balakas Retributor]Step 437752478
[Lindbjor Shafer]Step 433921689DegnityLindbjord FluterLindbjord BresLindbjor Scream
[Lindbjor Thrower]Step 476331689
[Lindbjord Slasher]Step 447171689
[Lindbjord Castor]Step 431012253
[Lindbjor Cutter]Step 438761689
[Lindbjord Schutze]Step 468731689
[Lindbjor Dueldagger]Step 438761689
[Papurion Avenger]Step 438761689DegnityPapurion Rising WavePapurion BreathPapurion Scream
[Papurion Fighter]Step 447171689
[Papurion Stormer]Step 438761689
[Papurion Retroducer]Step 437752478
[Papurion DualBlunt]Step 447171689
[Papurion Dualsword]Step 447171689
[Papurion DualDagger]Step 438761689

– Dragon Claw Level 4 allows you to use the ‘Antaras Scream’, ‘Balakas Scream’, ‘Lindbjord Scream’, and ‘Papurion Scream’ skills, which increase the skill cooldown time of nearby enemies by 15% for 300 seconds.

– NPCs ‘Theodric’, ‘Klein’, ‘Xenine’ and ‘Lionel Hunter’ placed in Arden World can no longer be exchanged for higher-tier Dragon Claws, and the ‘Dragon Blood’ item will no longer be sold.

– Weapon-type Dragon Claw items can be ‘promoted’ through senior blacksmith NPCs to obtain next-tier items.

Promotion TierMaterial ItemsProbability of acquisition
Step 0 -> Step 150 dragon’s claws100 Elsium300 aura of giants105,800 gemstonesAdena 3,000,000,000100%
Step 1 -> Step 260 dragon’s claws500 Elsium800 aura of giants255,830 gemstonesAdena 6,000,000,000
Step 2 -> Step 3120 dragon’s clawsElsium 2,618 properties4,380 aura of giants605,730 gemstonesAdena 12,000,000,000
Step 3 -> Step 4240 dragon’s claws30 Essences of DragonsSolaris 4,337 properties4 LunariaAdena 96,000,000,000

– You can shred Dragon Claw Level 0~3 items to get crystals, Solaris and Lunaria items.

Item StageObtainable Items
Step 099,999 crystals100 Lunaria50 Solaris
Step 199,999 crystals200 Lunaria150 Solaris
Step 299,999 crystals300 Lunaria250 Solaris
Step 399,999 crystals400 Lunaria350 Solaris

– The newly added Dragon Claw Tier 4 item is the ‘Dark Smelting Stone’, which can be given a smelting option.

– In the village of Hynes NPC Santiago Multicell, the Blessed Antaras Earrings, Blessed Valakas’ Necklaces, and Lindbjor Earrings have been changed to non-exchangeable.

– Blessed Antaras’ Earrings, Blessed Valakas’ Necklace, and Lindbjord’s Earrings items can be crystallized to obtain the ‘Essence of the Dragon’.

– You can purchase the ‘Dragon Blood’ item in the NPC Shop.

[L Grade Weapon Item]

2. Added a new L-class weapon ‘Trinity’.

– Enchantment, attribute grant, 2 normal house horns, 1 special house horn, and smelting through the ‘High-end Weapon Smelting Stone’.

Standard weaponstypeDamageMagic power
Trinity ShaperShaper1878935
Trinity Cuttercutter2146935
Trinity SlasherSlasher2612935
Trinity AvengerAvenger2146935
Trinity FighterFighter2612935
Trinity StormerStormer2146935
Trinity ThrowerThrower4226935
Trinity SchutzeSchutze3805935
Trinity BusterBuster17171247
Trinity CastorCaster17171247
Trinity RetributerRetro Contributor20901372
Trinity DualswordDualSword2612935
Trinity DueldaggerDualDagger2146935
Trinity DuelbluntDualBlunt2612935

– Wearable extra effects and +4 enchantment enhancement add-ons include:

weaponWearing effect+4 Enchant Extra Effects
[Trinity Shaper]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 20% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 5%Physical hit increased by 43% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Up to HP/MP/CP 2%Physical hit increased by 22% increased damage
[Trinity Cutter]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%Increased Normal Attack Critical Chance by 305% increased ArmorPhysical hit increased by 43% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Increased Normal Attack Critical Chance by 152% increased ArmorPhysical hit increased by 22% increased damage
[Trinity Slasher]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%8% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%2% increased damage2% increased damage
[Trinity Avenger]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 20% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%Physical hit increased by 4Physical/Magic Skill Power increased by 2%3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Up to 2% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical hit increased by 2Physical/Magic Skill Power increased by 2%3% increased damage
[Trinity Fighter]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CP5% increased Standard Attack Critical DamageIncreased Attack Attribute by 502% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%2% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage4% increased damage2% increased damage
[Trinity Stormer]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CP3% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage2% increased damageIncreased hit target by 43% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Normal attack stuns around target with 2% chance (15 seconds cooldown)2% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage4% increased damageIncreased hit target by 22% increased damageNormal attack stuns around target with 4% chance (15 seconds cooldown)
[Trinity Thrower]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%3% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage2% increased damage2% increased Attack Speed3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%2% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage4% increased damage4% increased Attack Speed, 2% increased Damage
[Trinity Suitje]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%Physical Skill Power increased by 5%2% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Physical Skill Power increased by 2%4% increased damage2% increased damage
[Trinity Buster]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPMagic Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%5% increased ArmorIncreased magic hits by 4Magic Skill Power increased by 2%3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Magic Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%2% increased ArmorIncreased magic hits by 2Magic Skill Power increased by 2%2% increased damage
[Trinity Caster]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 20% increase in HP/MP/CPMagic Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%Increased magic hits by 4Magic Speed increased by 2%3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Magic Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Up to 2% increase in HP/MP/CPIncreased magic hits by 2Magic Speed increased by 2%2% increased damage
[Trinity Retributor]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 20% increase in HP/MP/CPNormal/Physical/Magic Skill Critical damage increased by 3%3% increased magic powerMagic Critical Damage increased by 2%3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Normal/Physical/Magic Skill Critical damage increased by 2%Up to 2% increase in HP/MP/CP2% increased magic powerMagic Critical Damage increased by 2%2% increased damage
[Trinity Dualsword]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%Physical Skill Power increased by 5%2% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%Physical Skill Power increased by 2%4% increased damage2% increased damage
[Trinity Dueldagger]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 13% increase in HP/MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%3% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage2% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Vampiric Rage increased by 2%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%2% increased Standard Attack Critical Damage4% increased damage2% increased damageVampiric Rage increased by 4%
[Trinity Duelblunt]PVP/PVE damage increased by 18%Up to 17% HP increase13% increase in maximum MP/CPPhysical Skill Critical Damage increased by 3%3% reduction in skill cooldown2% increased damage3% increased damageSpirit Bullet/Demon Bomb Damage Amplification increased by 26%Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%5% reduction in skill cooldown4% increased damageUp to 2% HP increase2% increased damage

– Can be enhanced with an L-grade exclusive weapon enhancement spellbook.

2-1. You can upgrade an existing R110 Limited Krishna weapon to a new weapon.

– Ferris, the chief blacksmith of the town of Aden Castle, can be promoted via NPC.

– Crystal of Fighting Spirit, Ether, Solaris, Gemstone, and Adena are required.

– You can upgrade from +30 enchantments or more, and the enchantment value will be reset when you upgrade.

[L Grade Armor Item]

3. Added a new L-grade armor ‘Dignity’.

– Enchantment, attribute grant, 2 normal house horns, 1 special house horn, and smelting through ‘Armor Smelting Stone’ are possible.

General ArmortypeArmorMagic ResistancePhysical avoidanceMagic evasionMP
Dignity HelmetFor heavy armor338
Dignity breastplateFor heavy armor902
Dignity gaitersFor heavy armor563
Dignity GauntletFor heavy armor225
Dignity BootsFor heavy armor225
Dignity ShieldFor heavy armor1231-8
Dignity leather helmetLight armor338
Dignity Leather ArmorLight armor72155
Dignity leather leggingsLight armor45033
Dignity leather globeLight armor225
Dignity leather bootsLight armor225
Dignity CircletFor lobes338
Dignity TunicFor lobes4961432440
Dignity HozFor lobes309951627
Dignity GlobeFor lobes225
Dignity ShoesFor lobes225
Dignity SigilFor lobes112-8

– Wearable extra effects and +4 enchantment enhancement add-ons include:

weaponWearing effect+4 Enchant Extra Effects
Dignity HelmetPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 4%Increased Physics/Magic Dodge by 183% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power2% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power
Dignity breastplatePVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 9%Reduced all hit critical damage by 5%Increased weapon damage by 152Increased weapon magic power by 1023% increased Defense/Magic Resistance2% increased Defense/Magic Resistance
Dignity gaitersPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 6%Increased Physics/Magic Critical Chance by 30Increased Attack Attribute by 5050 increased all defensive attributesIncreased physical immunity by 5Increased mental immunity by 9Increased Attack Attribute by 3030 increased all defensive attributes
Dignity GauntletPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased Physical Hit/Magic Hits by 153% increased Critical Damage4% reduction in all hit critical chances2% increased Critical Damage3% reduction in all hit critical chances
Dignity BootsPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased movement speed by 543% increased Attack/Magic Power2% increased Attack/Magic Power
Dignity ShieldReduced hit damage by 3%5% increased Attack Speed3% increased damage3% increased Defense/Magic ResistanceReduced hit damage by 2%
Dignity leather helmetPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 4%Increased Physics/Magic Dodge by 183% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power2% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power
Dignity Leather ArmorPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 9%Reduced all hit critical damage by 5%Increased weapon damage by 152Increased weapon magic power by 1023% increased Defense/Magic Resistance2% increased Defense/Magic Resistance
Dignity leather leggingsPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 6%Increased Physics/Magic Critical Chance by 30Increased Attack Attribute by 5050 increased all defensive attributesIncreased physical immunity by 5Increased mental immunity by 9Increased Attack Attribute by 3030 increased all defensive attributes
Dignity leather globePVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased Physical Hit/Magic Hits by 153% increased Critical Damage4% reduction in all hit critical chances2% increased Critical Damage3% reduction in all hit critical chances
Dignity leather bootsPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased movement speed by 543% increased Attack/Magic Power2% increased Attack/Magic Power
Dignity CircletPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 4%Increased Physics/Magic Dodge by 183% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power2% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power
Dignity TunicPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 9%Reduced all hit critical damage by 5%Increased weapon damage by 152Increased weapon magic power by 1023% increased Defense/Magic Resistance2% increased Defense/Magic Resistance
Dignity HozPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 6%Increased Physics/Magic Critical Chance by 30Increased Attack Attribute by 5050 increased all defensive attributesIncreased physical immunity by 5Increased mental immunity by 9Increased Attack Attribute by 3030 increased all defensive attributes
Dignity GlobePVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased Physical Hit/Magic Hits by 153% increased Critical Damage4% reduction in all hit critical chances2% increased Critical Damage3% reduction in all hit critical chances
Dignity ShoesPVP/PVE damage increased by 2%Decreased PVP/PVE hit damage by 3%Increased movement speed by 543% increased Attack/Magic Power2% increased Attack/Magic Power
Dignity SigilReduced hit damage by 3%5% increased Attack/Magic Speed2% increased damageMagic Skill Power increased by 2%Reduced hit damage by 2%

– Can be enhanced with an L-grade armor enhancement spellbook.

– Armor set effects include:

Set Effectseffect
Inheriting Limited Leviathan’s Set Effects and Set Enhancements in an Improved Form
Set Effect – L Grade Heavy Armor 5 PiecesSTR/CON +3, CHA/LUC +1+10% AP, 35% DEFNormal Attack/Physical Skill Critical Damage +5%Max. MP +10%All Defensive Attributes +20Confusion Tolerance +10%Fixed Damage Immunity +10%Reflective Damage Immunity +10%MP Recovery Bonus +32Physical Skill Consumption MP 7%Reduced damage by 5%
Set Effect – L Grade Light Armor 5 PiecesSTR/DEX +3, CHA/LUC +1+10% Attack, +10% Magic, 18% Defense, +7% ResistancePhysical/Magic Skill Power +5%Max. MP +10%All Defensive Attributes +20Confusion Tolerance +10%Fixed Damage Immunity +10%Reflective Damage Immunity +10%Debuff Immunity +10%Skill Excellence +14%Vampiric +4%Heal +7%Movement Speed +4MP Recovery Bonus +810% reduction in skill cooldownReduced Physical Skill Consumption MP by 7% Additional 5% Reduced Hit Damage
Set Effect – L Grade Robe 5 PiecesINT/CON +3, CHA/LUC +1Magic +15% Defense 10%, Magic Resistance +7%, Magic Skill Power +5%Up to HP +5%, up to MP +10%Magic Speed +15%All Defensive Attributes +20Confusion Tolerance +10%Fixed Damage Immunity +10%Reflective Damage Immunity +10%Debuff Immunity +11%Dagger/Dual Dagger/Bow/Crossbow Immunity +10%Skill Excellence +14%Vampiric +4%Heal +10%Weight limit +30%Movement Speed +7MP Recovery Bonus +8Skill cooldown reduced by 3%. Additional 5% reduced hit damage

– Enchantment step-by-step enhancement set effects are as follows:

Hardening phaseeffect
+65% increased Defense/Magic Resistance
+7Reduced all hit critical damage by 10%
+85% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power
+9Increase CHA 5
+10Reduced hit damage by 10%

3-1. You can upgrade your existing R110 Limited Leviathan armor to a new armor.

– Ferris, the chief blacksmith of the town of Aden Castle, can be promoted via NPC.

– Guardian Crystals, Ether, Solaris, Gemstone, and Adena are required.

– You can upgrade from +30 enchantments or more, and the enchantment value will be reset when you upgrade.

4. The items and quantities required for promotion for each part are as follows.

itemMaterial ItemsProbability of acquisition
weapon6442 crystals of fighting spirit94180 ethersSoliris 5718 pcs3400 gemstonesAdena 5,662,450,763100%
casque3710 crystals of guardianship76500 ethersSoliris 520 pcs2080 gemstones1511640000 Adena
consultation9892 crystals of guardianship204000 ethersSoliris 1387 pcs5548 gemstonesAdena 5,662,450,763
Bottoms6183 crystals of guardianship127500 ethersSoliris 867 pcs3468 gemstonesAdena 2,520,369,000
glove2473 crystals of guardianship51000 ethersSoliris 348 pcs1392 gemstonesAdena 1,011,636,000
footwear2473 crystals of guardianship51000 ethersSoliris 348 pcs1392 gemstonesAdena 1,011,636,000
Shield, Sigil6183 crystals of guardianship127500 ethersSoliris 867 pcs3468 gemstonesAdena 2,520,369,000

5. When using bow or crossbow items, even if you no longer have arrows and bolts, you can use normal attacks and skills.

– You can no longer buy quivers in the store.

– Related items will be deleted en masse during regular maintenance on Wednesday, May 2023, 5.

6. Streamlined set item guidance tooltips.

– The number of pieces with set effects has been displayed first.

– Deleted the item name and edited only the icon to be displayed.

7. Expanded the ‘Blood-Stained Jarit’ and ‘Blood-Stained Akamanaf’ weapon items to grant 2 regular house spirits.

8. Some items have been renamed.

Existing ItemsChange Items
Crystal – R GradeCrystals
Gemstone – RgradeGemstone
Spirit Bomb – R-GradeSpirit bomb
Mysterious Spirit Tan – R-GradeMysterious Spirit Tan
Blessed Ma Jung-tan – R-GradeMa Jung-tan
Mysterious Blessed Ma Jung-tan – R-GradeMysterious Majungtan

9. ‘Spirit Bomb’, ‘Ma Jungtan Bomb’, ‘Mystic Spirit Bomb’ and ‘Mystic Spirit Tan’ can be used for all weapons regardless of weapon grade.

[Event – Red Libra]

1. March 2023, 3 (Wed) ~ April 22, 2023 (Wed) We will hold the “Red Libra Top” event until regular maintenance.

– The top NPC of Red Libra resides in the town square of Kiran Province.

– Removed the restriction of classes that were restricted from changing existing classes.

Selectable classes on changeRace changesGender change
Siegel Death NightHuman (Death Knight)masculine
Saihazu SheaArteiafemale
Gravity LenkerArteiafemale
Tyr MaestroDwarfKeep your existing gender
Is DominatororcKeep your existing gender

– If you change to the above class, it will be changed to the race and gender appropriate for that class.

– During the class change process, each ‘Advanced Runestone’ item used to acquire skills for the original class is ‘Gold Coin of Ainhassad’

If you pay 500 items, you can recover them as ‘Advanced Runestones (non-tradeable)’ items.

– The total number of ‘Advanced Runestheses’ used when using the recovery service will be restored, and only part of them cannot be recovered.

– If the main class change is successful, the connection will be automatically terminated, and you can play with the changed class after reconnecting.

NPC NameAvailable Items
Colossus RedElysium Blessing Buff Sale
(Freya’s Ice Rose Effect, 24 Hours Lasting, 3000 Million Adena)
of the Stone of Destiny (change the main class to another job class, 1 free payment per account)
Elder GreenDual Class Change (Keep Level)
Weapon Attribute Change Modification Sale
(R~R110, L Grade Weapon Attribute Change)
Elysium Vital Research Buff(Vitality buff. lasts 24 hours. 1 time per day per account.Free for characters at level 105 and above. Reset at 6:30 a.m. daily.)
Artisan blackR~R110 grade weapon changed to another type in its class
Elysium arms sale
Change IDIOS Enhancement Armor Type
Change the type of Leviathan armor top/bottom
Dark/Bloody Armor Type Changes (including R110 Shield/Sigil)
Change the bright circlet type
Talisman of Sealed Gold Neck, Talisman of Seven Signs Change Type
Talisman of Tokyo, Talisman of Gold Neck Seal
All things pinkThe aura of the green bud, the vision book of the engraving – the chief of the cultivation section, the vision book of the engraving – the cultivation section 1 sheet, the 20,<> SP order book,Elysium Recovery Potion, Holy Water of the High Pavilion, Energy of Destruction, and other top-only miscellaneous goods are sold
Escort Warrior Blue3-step Dragon Claw Packaging
Artifact Physical/Magic Type Conversion
Step 5~10 Legendary dye type change
+5 Advanced Agassion Charm, +10 Agassion Charm Packaging
5~8 steps Mixed Stone Packaging

– Stone of Destiny, Green Bud Aura, Dragon Claw Box (Tier 3), 14 Elysium weapons, 20,<> SP spellbook, Elysium Recovery Potion,

8 Mysterious Talismans, 4 House Mixed Stone Boxes, and 2 Agassion Charm Boxes will be removed en masse during maintenance on Wednesday, April 2023, 4.
– Red’s Elysium Blessing, Green Bud’s Aura, and Green’s Elysium Vital Research buffs will be removed en masse during maintenance on Wednesday, April 12, 2023.

[Part-time hunting grounds]

1. A new hunting ground has been added to the daily part-time hunting ground, Fioren’s Crystal Prison.

– The added area can only be moved by characters of level 120 or higher through the portal on the north side placed in the lobby.

– Exclusive monsters with a higher level of balance and rewards than monsters placed in existing areas are placed.

Extended Hunting GroundsTeleportable LevelMonster Level
Island of Freezing FrostLevel 120 or higher125

2. A new hunting ground has been added to the daily part-time hunting ground ‘Camp of Zamoa’.

– The added area can only be moved by characters of level 120 or higher through the portal on the north side placed in the lobby.

– Exclusive monsters with a higher level of balance and rewards than monsters placed in existing areas are placed.

Extended Hunting GroundsTeleportable LevelMonster Level
badlandsLevel 120 or higher125

3. A new hunting ground has been added to the Pantheon’s Museum.

– The added area can only be moved by characters of level 120 or higher through the portal on the north side placed in the lobby.

– Exclusive monsters with a higher level of balance and rewards than monsters placed in existing areas are placed.

Extended Hunting GroundsTeleportable LevelMonster Level
Elven ForestLevel 120 or higher125

4. A new hunting ground has been added to the PC Bang daily part-time hunting ground ‘Crisis Innadrill’.

– The added area can only be moved by characters of level 120 or higher through the ‘Lionel Hunter’ NPC placed in the lobby.

– Exclusive monsters with a higher level of balance and rewards than monsters placed in existing areas are placed.

Extended Hunting GroundsTeleportable LevelMonster Level
Crocodile IslandLevel 120 or higher125

[Blood Oath Mission]

1. The following changes have been made to the Blood Oath mission related to the part-time hunting ground.

Mission NameKill target
Fioren’s Crystal Prison Monster HuntAdd Frost Island Monster to Kill Target
Camp Monster Hunt in ZamoaAdd wasteland monsters to kill targets
Museums in Pantheon Monster HuntAdd Elven Forest Monster to kill target
Hunt for the Endangered Innadreel MonsterAdd Crocodile Island monster to kill target

[Class Care- Win Summoner]

1. Modified to summon summoners according to the level of the summoner.
– The level of summoned beasts is 85~100 levels and 100~130 depending on the type of summon beast.

2. Summoner’s attack damage and hit damage are calculated based on the summoner’s stats.

3. The combat method of summons has changed.

– Summons have magic-type attacks by default, and summons with a strong attack pattern trigger strong attacks probabilistically.

 classSummon LifeSummon LevelPossession of strong attack
Win Arcana RoadWin Kai the Cat85~100
Wynn Queen of Cat85~100
Win King of Cat85~100
Commando Cat100~130Hold
Witch Cat100~130Hold
Wynn Elemental MasterWin Marrow85~100
Wynn Magnus85~100
Win Seraphim85~100
Unicorn Lancer100~130Hold
Unicorn Cherubim100~130Hold
Win Spectral MasterNightshade85~100
Spectral Road85~100
Soul Spectre100~130Hold
Banshee Queen100~130Hold

– The revamped summon buffs can only be applied to certain buffs used by the Win Summoner class.

– The summon no longer uses the Beast Spirit Bullet/Demon Bullet.
– If the summoner is equipped with a Magic Bullet, you will receive a damage bonus.

– Awakening Class Win Summoner 3 Summon Beast The Info tab in the management window has been disabled.

4. Added a new skill that the Summoner class can acquire.

Acquisition ClassesSkill CategoriesAcquired Skills
commonToggle SkillFinal Sharing Pain
Wynn Elemental MasterEnhancement SkillsThurman Elemental Stone

5. Some skills have changed their names and effects.

AcquireclassSkillcategorySkill NameChangelog
commonPassiveGrand Weapon MasteryDrop physical attack increased effect,Enhance your magic attack abilities
Grand Thurman MasteryRemove summon link effect,Added triggering recovery effect
Grant ResistanceAdded triggering debuff removal effect
WinForceAdd a debuff effect
Magic SkillsConbauxAdd a debuff effect
ExilePower up
Mass ExilePower up
Servitor Balance LifeAdded summon recovery effect, enhanced continuous recovery effect
Servitor Major Hillstrengthening the restorative effect,Added summon range recovery and summoner recovery effects
Servitor Group HillModify existing mana sharing,Added summoner recovery effect
Thurman Death GateChange to Range Pull skill
Enhancement SkillsUltimate Master BoostOriginal Ultimate Servitor Burst Modified, Changed to Summoner Buff
Master BoostOriginal Mass Servitor Boost Modified, Changed to Summoner Buff
Strong WillAdded summoner buff effect
Spirit the NaviarovChanged to Summon Enhancement buff
Win Arcana RoadMagic SkillsNature’s ConbauxFixed existing Surrender Two Elemental,
changed to Area Attack skill
Thurman Nature’s StoneEnhanced defensive buff effect
Enhancement SkillsServitor SolidFixed existing Final Servitor Heist to enhance summon buff effect
Prestige of ArcanaEnhance summoner and summon buff effects
Wynn Elemental MasterMagic SkillsFreezing ConbauxChange debuff values
Enhancement SkillsServiter WisdomOriginal Final Death Whisper Fix, Summon Buff Enhancement
Prestige of ElementEnhance summoner and summon buff effects
Win Spectral MasterMagic SkillsCuth ConbauxModified existing cus exposure,
changed to area-of-attack skill
Thurman Phantom CrossAdd a debuff effect
Enhancement SkillsServitor MightFixed existing Final Servitor Mite and enhanced summon buff effect
Prestige of SpectralEnhanced Soho Screw and Summon buff effect

6. The summoner class deleted the next skill it had and awarded the item consumed to learn the skill.

classDelete Skill NameRecovery Items
Win Arcana Road
Win Elemental Master Win Spectral Master
Sharing Equipment8 runestone
Thurman Soul Shot
Final Transfer Pain
Thurman Avenging Cubic
Final Sharing Abilities5 runestones for level 64
Win Spectral MasterThurman Instant Moving Portal4 runestone
Instant Movement4 runestone

– All summoned numbers will be unsummoned.

7. The enchantment effect of the Summoner class’s skills has been changed as follows.

classTarget Skill NameEnchant effect
Win Arcana RoadServitor Solid(Formerly Final Servitor Heist)Time
Wynn Elemental MasterServiter Wisdom((Formerly Final Servitor Death Whisper)
Win Spectral MasterServitor Might((Formerly) Final Servitor Mite)
Win Arcana RoadNature’s Conbaux((Formerly) Surrender to Elemental)Hex → Mind
Win Spectral MasterCuth Conbaux((former) cus exposure)
commonStrong WillPower → Magic Shield
Spirit the NaviarovTime C → Time BMight → Shield

– Existing enchant levels will be retained.

– Enchantments of other effects of this skill cannot proceed further.


1. Added 25 new collections.

categoryCollection NameRegistered ItemsNumbereffect
WorldSeasoned AttackBlood Soul Beads24003% increased Attack/Magic Power
Holy water of the Grand Chancellor1000
Skillful defenseBlood Soul Beads24003% increased Defense/Magic Resistance
Holy water of the Grand Chancellor1000
Honor I Tinged with GoldGolden beads13% increased damage
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Honor II Dyed GoldGolden beads1Reduced hit damage by 3%
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Collectors of the continent of AdenBlood Soul Orb Step 14803% increased PvE damage
Blood Soul Orb Step 2720
Blood Soul Orb Step 3200
Blood Soul Orb Step 4150
Blood Soul Orb Step 524
Blood Soul Orb Step 712
The Price of Long EffortBlood Soul Orb Step 7503% increased PvP damage
Blood Soul Orb Step 850
Blood Soul Orb Step 950
Blood Soul Orb Step 1050
Orbs of the Abyss140
The 3 stages of the Abyss Orb10
ExtraordinaryBlood Soul Orb Step 88PvE Hit Damage Decreased by 3%
Blood Soul Orb Step 9300
Blood Soul Orb Step 105
The 5 stages of the Abyss Orb50
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb20
4 Dark Orbs30
AuxiliaryOrbs of the Abyss200PvP hit damage reduced by 3%
The 2 stages of the Abyss Orb50
The 5 stages of the Abyss Orb30
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb2
Dark Orb120
9 Dark Orbs30
Combined OperationsThe 2 stages of the Abyss Orb1703% increased Normal Attack/Physical Skill/Magic Skill Power
The 3 stages of the Abyss Orb210
The 4 stages of the Abyss Orb30
The 5 stages of the Abyss Orb15
The 6 stages of the Abyss Orb7
The 7 stages of the Abyss Orb3
BindsThe 3 stages of the Abyss Orb72Armor/Magic Resistance, reduced all hit critical damage by 3%
The 6 stages of the Abyss Orb34
The 7 stages of the Abyss Orb12
The 8 stages of the Abyss Orb2
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb1
4 Dark Orbs45
DeterminationStrengthThe 4 stages of the Abyss Orb24Maximum HP/MP, Damage/Magic Power increased by 2%
The 5 stages of the Abyss Orb64
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb48
Dark Orb10
1 Dark Orbs13
2 Dark Orbs1
The Weight of Shed BloodBlood Soul Orb Step 930Increased all critical damage by 2%, reduced all hit critical damage by 2%
Blood Soul Orb Step 1015
The 8 stages of the Abyss Orb48
The 9 stages of the Abyss Orb10
7 Dark Orbs20
8 Dark Orbs10
Radiant woundsFury Orb 1nd Floor270Vitality Bonus Increases EXP/SP by 5%
Blood Soul Beads800
10 Dark Orbs350
Blood Soul Orb Step 810
The 7 stages of the Abyss Orb68
9 Dark Orbs35
Extreme Practice IFury Orb 2nd Floor400Increased damage by 1%, decreased hit damage by 1%
Blood Soul Orb Step 385
Blood Soul Orb Step 465
Blood Soul Orb Step 213
Fury Orb 1nd Floor300
Fury Orb 2nd Floor270
Extreme Water Lilies IIFury Orb 3nd Floor540EXP/SP increases damage by 3%
Blood Soul Orb Step 798
Blood Soul Orb Step 858
Blood Soul Orb Step 617
Fury Orb 1nd Floor273
Fury Orb 2nd Floor241
Shifting postureFury Orb 4nd Floor6003% increased EXP/SP, decreased hit damage by 3%
Orbs of the Abyss111
The 1 stages of the Abyss Orb51
Blood Soul Orb Step 1021
Fury Orb 1nd Floor246
Fury Orb 2nd Floor212
AcedFury Orb 5nd Floor170Normal Attack Critical Damage increased by 2%, Normal Attack Critical Damage decreased by 2%
The 4 stages of the Abyss Orb124
The 5 stages of the Abyss Orb44
The 3 stages of the Abyss Orb25
Fury Orb 1nd Floor219
Fury Orb 2nd Floor183
Power gained from dimensionsFury Orb 6nd Floor75Physical Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%, Physical Skill Critical Damage decreased by 2%
The 8 stages of the Abyss Orb137
The 9 stages of the Abyss Orb37
The 7 stages of the Abyss Orb29
Fury Orb 1nd Floor192
Fury Orb 2nd Floor154
Wisdom from DimensionsFury Orb 7nd Floor4Magic Skill Critical Damage increased by 2%, Magic Skill Hit Critical Damage decreased by 2%
1 Dark Orbs150
2 Dark Orbs30
Dark Orb33
Fury Orb 1nd Floor165
Fury Orb 2nd Floor125
Heat of BattleFury Orb 8nd Floor6003% increased Attack/Magic/Defense/Resistance
5 Dark Orbs163
6 Dark Orbs23
4 Dark Orbs37
Fury Orb 1nd Floor138
Fury Orb 2nd Floor96
Hero’s WayBlood Soul Beads250Increased Attack Attributes/All Defensive Attributes by 70
Orbs of the Abyss250
Dark Orb250
Blood Soul Orb Step 10250
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb250
10 Dark Orbs250
Perfect one shotBlood Soul Orb Step 3300Inaction damage increased by 3%
Blood Soul Orb Step 6300
Orbs of the Abyss100
The 2 stages of the Abyss Orb50
Dark Orb100
3 Dark Orbs10
Indomitable willBlood Soul Orb Step 510Reduced inaction hit damage by 3%
Blood Soul Orb Step 2900
Blood Soul Orb Step 930
Blood Soul Orb Step 1050
The 4 stages of the Abyss Orb100
The 10 stages of the Abyss Orb30
Golden Phase IGolden beads1Increased damage by 2%, decreased hit damage by 2%
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden Phase IIGolden beads1Increased damage by 2%, decreased hit damage by 2%
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1
Golden beads1

2. Improved the collection system to be used on the World Server.

[Other changes]

1. The class change function through Chaos Agent ‘Hardin’ has been removed.

2. Fixed an issue where the skill ‘Battle Rhapsody’ caused two notifications in the system message window.

3. Fixed the problem that the font was not visible well when entering Korean.

4. The automatic hunting UI has been improved to check the non-battle status.

5. Fixed the time-based hunting ground report so that when returning from the World Server to the old server, the timed hunting ground report does not disappear.

6. Fixed an issue where when a character tried to apply a new smelting option while stuck in a status anomaly effect such as bounding or stun, the Apply button was disabled and the option could not be applied.

We hope that you will check the above and proceed smoothly.

Thank you.